orange juice

Immune boosting Juice - For winter viruses

Your immune system needs you now, during winter, more than ever! This is when your immune is more prone to attacks from viruses like Covid-19, the old regular Flu, and Cold. You won't always know when your immune is struggling, especially when there are no symptoms. So, it is always best practice to prevent rather than treat. A daily glass of this juice will put you in a good position to either not get the winter virus, or recover faster. 

What does this juice contain & what makes it suitable for the job?

Let me break the ingredient list down and show you what each ingredient brings.

immune boosting juice ingredients 

The citrus family & Apples: 

I make use of oranges, grapefruits, and clementines in this recipe. They all provide Vitamin C. However, oranges have been famous for a long time for Vitamin C, and I finally understand the hype now. One medium-sized orange contains about 70 mg of Vitamin C, and as women, we only need about 75mg a day, and men need 90 mg a day. This recipe makes use of 3 medium-sized oranges. That covers everyone and more. 

And in case you are wondering why you even need to care about Vitamin C, according to Healthline, Vitamin C has antioxidants that help protect cells from substances that damage the body. A lack of Vitamin C in your body can:

  1. Delay wound healing, 
  2. Cause an impaired immune response,
  3. And prevent your body from adequately fighting infections.

We don't want that this winter, right? So there you have it, eat or drink your oranges this winter.


Vitamin A is another critical Vitamin the immune system needs as it plays a crucial role in the body fighting infections. And you have guessed it; carrots bring that. 

Turmeric, Garlic, and ginger

These three have been tried, tested, and have passed the test of treating Flu or colds by using them in home remedies. Need I say more?

Juice recipe

Here is the full recipes & method. This recipe makes about 1 liter of juice which you can store and drink. Keep refrigerated and consume within three days. 


  1. Five medium-sized carrots
  2. Two clementines (aka Nartjies)
  3. One large grapefruit
  4. Three medium-sized oranges
  5. Two medium apples 
  6. Three cloves of Garlic 
  7. One finger of fresh Ginger
  8. One piece of raw Turmeric 


  1. Peal all the citrus fruits and wash the rest of the fruits. 
  2. If you use a small juicer, you might have to cut the fruits into smaller pieces for them to fit into your juicer. 
  3. Add all the ingredients to your juicer and juice them. Always add the Ginger, Garlic, and Turmeric with a high water content fruit or veg, so their juices get carried by the high water content fruit or veg. 
  4. Serve with ice or not. Then enjoy!


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